Teaching is the most important for teacher. Teacher should have activities that motivate students to learn. In addition, teacher should use the materials that they will help students to understand much more and teacher should have good step for teach students. It will help students easy to learn. Today my friends practice about teaching that it make me can apply everything to teach. My friend have 30minute of teaching
Da Sureeda has good step for teaching but she should find the activities that can motivate students to learn. She should adjust about grammar, Rubric of speaking, evaluation and the level of Rubric that it doesn’t math with the topic of quality.she is teach Interesting.
Bee Wanisa has many activities. She has good teaching that are good language, Assessment learning checklist, clear purpose, control the class room and has different questions for asking students. She should adjust about pronunciation.
Aye Thagonrat has more materials that are game, word cards, PowerPoint and work sheet. She has good step but she should adjust about rubric of speaking because it doesn’t match with the purpose.she is not control students.
Noodang Sunisa has good material. She sues the VDO for open the lesson that it can motivate students very much. She should adjust about purpose, grammar, Rubric of speaking, evaluation and the level of Rubric that it doesn’t math with the topic of quality.she is teach concise very much.
Sign Phanarat has good step of teaching that is she repeat about vocabularies again before she teach structure. In addition, she should adjust strict about pronunciation.
Gif Phawinee has many materials that are word cards, worksheet, PowerPoint and game. Game is the good thing that we can use with students because it can motivate students to learn very much. She should adjust about word cards that should add article in front of the vocabularies and part of speech. She should strict about pronunciation of structure that she teaches.
Bo Jamaree has good step of teaching. She should adjust about grammar because she strict the grammar much more and should strict each content.
Ann Jiraporn has many materials that are word cards, VDO, PowerPoint. She has good step of teaching and she try to use English. That I think she good to speak English. I think she should strict about pronunciation and should give worksheet for students because it make them to understand much more.she is good teaching.
Peatch Dajdanai has many materials that are game, brochure and PowerPoint. I like the brochure very much because it is the authentic material that makes students can understand easier. He should adjust about Rubric that doesn’t match with the purpose.
Mata Apiwat has more activities and more information. He teaches much content. It is very muddle. The good thing for him that is he tries for teaching very much. I think he should select the content for teach students of each content and strict that content.He is confused
Tee Kofsa teach about occupation. She has game, work sheet, power point that interesting. She should adjust about Rubric and pronunciation and should have clear purpose. She should have clear the content.
Kan has clear the purpose and has good VDO. She has good activity of practice speaking. She should adjust about word cards by add part of speech of vocabularies.
Dha Sunanta has good step of teaching and has game for students. She has clear the purpose and solve the problem when students have. In addition, she should adjust about the vocabulary by told the hard vocabularies for students and about the rubric should focus fluency much more than accuracy.
Aye Kittiya teach about ordering food. She has materials there are PowerPoint, work sheet and VDO. I think she should have more confident. In addition, she should has more activity that can motivate students to learn much more.
Arena teaches about asking and giving direction. She has many materials there are VDO, power point, map. She teaches very funny. She should adjust about map if she can do she should use the real map.
Pawinee teach about places in Vietnam. She teaches about adjective. After that, she would like students write to explain the picture.
Rong Surachat has many materials there are VDO, power point, picture cards, game. He has good step of teaching. He should adjust about the skill of teaching that is clear the skill.
Rose has good game and it can motivate students very good. She has materials that are power point, game. I think she should adjust about step of teaching and should has more activity. It will help students don’t bored when they learning.
Ja has interesting game. She has materials there are PowerPoint, work sheet. I think she should adjust about pronunciation and step of teaching. In addition, she should have clear the content.
Regional lesson plan everyone develop themselves better than last lesson.
Jiraporn teaches about exchange rate of ASEAN. It has good content that students can use in the real life. She has good pronunciation.
Sunantha has good pronunciation. She teaches about places of Singapore.
She teaches about booking a fight ticket. She has good step of teaching and she solve the student’s problem.
Kitiiya teaches about places of Laos. She has materials that are game, VDO and PowerPoint. I think she should focus about the skill that should clear much more.
Thagonrat teaches about food of Singapore. She focuses about the skill that is listening skill. She would like students listen to audio and fill in the blank. She teach the structure after students do the exercise that is good because students can learn from they observe the structure.
Fan teaches about speaking skill. She teach about food, country, traveling, musician instrument, flower, monetary, and place of Laos. In her PowerPoint has sound for students that it good for students because they can absorb the pronunciation of foreigner.
Tee teaches about reading skill. She teaches about places of Brunei. She has more activity. I think that this lesson she do better than last lesson and she should adjust about pronunciation and should try to understand about her content.
Wannisa teaches about places of Singapore and focus about writing skill. She has good step of teaching and good material that is she use the authentic material that is postcard and she teach about write postcard that students can use in the real life that is very good teaching.
Sunisa teach about currency of ASEAN. The conversation can bring to use in the real life that is a good content for teaching.
Kan has good content that students can know if they travel in Malaysia. She has good step of teaching. This is the good content for everyone that can apply to teach students in the future.
Panarat has many activities for students. I think that it is very good for students because they can practice and absorb the content. It will help students understand much more if they practice very much.
Supattra has many materials. There are picture card, VDO and PowerPoint. She teaches about recommendation of place in Malaysia. She has good step for teaching and the pronunciation is good.
Arena has many materials that are VDO, word card, PowerPoint. She has good teaching because when she teaches finite she will review the vocabulary for students. I think that it very good for students.
Hathaipet has good material that is VDO. It is cartoon that it can motivate students very much. She should adjust about pronunciation and step of teaching.Apiwat teaches about the country, capital city and nationality. I think he teaches better than last time. I think he should adjust about pronunciation and personality.
To conclude, from my friends’ teaching is very good example for me. There are good and bad example. I will apply the good thing to design the lesson plan. There are many materials that I can use in the real life for teach students in the future. There are VDO, Game, word cards, picture cards, song, pronunciation of the words and authentic material; post card, brochure and etc. from the bad example I can bring it to improve myself . i will make lesson plan very good because teach are good too.