This paper argues for an interdisciplinary approach to beliefs
about language learning research, and suggests that current studies in this
area do not go far enough to examine the extent to which stable factors, such
as individual learner differences, account for the nature of beliefs. Next, it
elucidates how cognitive and personality psychology provides a foundation for a
possible relationship between learner beliefs and personality, and emphasizes
the need for further research and a strong theoretical foundation before any
attempts to change language learners' beliefs are made in the classroom
Beliefs are a central construct in every discipline that deals
with human behavior and learning (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1988). In
one sense, beliefs--or personal "myths" about learning--do not differ
from the majority of myths about the human race, nor do they differ from those
of the majority of psychologists and educators. Bruner, Piaget, Rogers,
Socrates, and Kelly hold myths about learning, and the controversy about the
relative merits of their myths has hidden the more interesting congruence that
each student constructs a viable myth of their own (Harri-Augstein, 1985).
In the classroom context, the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes,
and metacognitive knowledge that students bring with them to the learning
situation have been recognized as a significant contributory factor in the
learning process and ultimate success (Breen, 2001). For example, second or
foreign language students may hold strong beliefs about the nature of the
language under study, its difficulty, the process of its acquisition, the
success of certain learning strategies, the existence of aptitude, their own
expectations about achievement and teaching methodologies. Identification of
these beliefs and reflection on their potential impact on language learning and
teaching in general, as well as in more specific areas such as the learners'
expectations and strategies used, can inform future syllabus design and teacher
practice in the course. Pedagogy has the capacity to provide the opportunities
and conditions within which these learner contributions are found to have a
positive effect upon learning and may be more fully engaged (Breen, 2001;
Arnold, 1999).
This paper argues that, while research on learner beliefs about
language learning so far has provided us with valuable insights, it has
stagnated, investigating which beliefs are fundamental to the exclusion of
other important factors. The question central to this paper is what shapes
learner beliefs? Despite what we know about beliefs, we have very little
knowledge about the psychological mechanisms involved in creating, shaping and
guiding these beliefs, which are byproducts of a number of internal as well as
external factors.
The Nature and Origin of Beliefs
Terms such as knowledge and beliefs are treated differently
within the research community, depending on varying theoretical orientations.
Early psychological studies into learner perceptions and beliefs about learning
"opened a whole new Aladdin's cave of personal beliefs, myths,
understandings, and superstitions as they were revealed by the persons'
thoughts and feelings about their learning" (Thomas & Harri-Augustein,
1983, p. 338). They concluded that beliefs about learner capacity and personal
models of their own processes were more central to understanding the
individuals' learning performances than universally accepted theories of
learning; these personal "myths" explained more about individual
differences in learning than such psychometric measures as intelligence or
aptitude (Thomas & Harri-Augustein, 1983).
In cognitive psychology, learner beliefs about the nature of
knowledge and learning, or epistemological beliefs, have been investigated with
the idea that they are part of the underlying mechanisms of metacognition
(Flavell, 1987; Ryan, 1984), form the building blocks of epistemology (Goldman,
1986), and are a driving force in intellectual performance. Psychologists have
begun to acknowledge the pervasive influence of personal and social
epistemologies on academic learning, thinking, reasoning, and problem solving
(Schommer, 1993), persistence (Dweck & Leggett, 1988), and interpretation
of information (Ryan, 1984; Schommer, 1990).
From this perspective, beliefs about language learning are
viewed as a component of metacognitive knowledge (Flavell, 1987), which include
all that individuals understand about themselves as learners and thinkers,
including their goals and needs. Flavell (1979, 1981) emphasizes the study of
meta-cognitive knowledge in second language learning and focuses on the person.
He calls this "person knowledge." Person knowledge is knowledge
learners have acquired about how cognitive and affective factors such as
learner aptitude, personality, and motivation may influence learning. In
addition, it includes specific knowledge about how the above factors apply in
their experience. For example, is it the learners' belief that they do, or do
not, have an aptitude for learning another language or, that their particular
type of personality will inhibit or facilitate language learning (Wenden,
According to Wenden (1999) metacognitive knowledge makes up
"a system of related ideas, some accepted without question and other
validated by their experience" (p. 436). She views beliefs as separate
from metacognitive knowledge, because beliefs are "value-related and tend
to be held more tenaciously." Wenden also distinguishes metacognitive
knowledge from metacognitive strategies and refers to the former as information,
which learners acquire about learning, while the latter consists of general
skills that allow learners to "manage, direct, regulate, and guide"
the learning process" (1999, p. 436). Wenden (2001) provides further
insight on the function of language learners' metacognitive knowledge in
learning. She focuses on the nature of the interaction that defines the
relationship between what learners know and how they self-direct their
learning. Following Flavell's (1979, 1981) classification of metacognitive
knowledge, Wenden (2001) emphasizes three categories of knowledge: person, task
and strategy (p. 46), based on eight selected excerpts of language learners'
accounts, which were analysed to illustrate how this knowledge performs in the
self-regulation of language learning. Wenden notes that metacognitive knowledge
is a prerequisite to the deployment of the self-regulatory processes leading to
autonomy. She points out that the foundation for the development of learner
autonomy is planning, monitoring and evaluating.
Apart from being seen as a component of metacognitive knowledge,
other definitions of beliefs--depending on one's theoretical perspective--have
identified them as:
- mini-theories
(Hosenfeld, 1978),
- insights (Omaggio,
- culture of learning
(Contazzi & Jin, 1996),
- learner assumptions
(Riley, 1980),
- implicit theories
(Clark, 1988),
- self-constructed
representational systems (Rust, 1994),
- conceptions of
learning (Benson & Lor, 1999), and
- "general
assumptions that students hold about themselves as learners, about factors
influencing language learning, and about the nature of language learning
and teaching" (Victori & Lockhart, 1995, p. 224).
Beliefs have also been said to "act as very strong filters
of reality" (Arnold, 1999, p. 256).
Interdisciplinary research suggests that learner beliefs about
learning are intertwined with factors such as self-concept and identity,
self-efficacy, personality, and other individual differences (Epstein, 1990).
For example, students may be directly influenced by their perception of success
in learning and levels of expectancy (Yang, 1999; White, 1999; Bernat,
2004)--with realistically high helping to build confidence, and low (or
unrealistically high) expectations helping to build incompetence (Puchta,
1999). Truitt (1995) discusses expectancy (based on Pintrich & DeGroot's
(1990) concept) as students' beliefs about their abilities and responsibilities
to perform tasks. Values are considered by Pintrich and DeGroot to be related
to students' goals and beliefs about the relative importance and interest of
the task. Truitt (1995) further addresses self-efficacy as beliefs about
ability, similar to expectancy.
Learners' self-efficacy beliefs have also been a focus of recent
research. Breen (2001) for example, investigated how learners' attributes such
as beliefs, aptitude, personality, or the concept of identity affect their
conceptions of themselves and the learning environment. The author asserts that
learners work selectively within their learning environment, and upon the
linguistic and communicative data made available to them in that environment.
This selectivity derives from the learners' conceptualizations of the
conditions that they believe to be facilitating or hindering their learning and
their conceptualizations of the language to be learned. He also points out that
such conceptualizations are imbued with the learners' feelings and attitudes,
leading to the conclusion that affect, inter alia, shapes one's cognitive
conceptualizations or beliefs. Research evidence indicates that even on the
neurobiological level emotions are part of reason (Domasio, 1994) and underlie
most, if not all, of cognition in language learning (Schumann, 1997).
Beliefs about Language Learning Research
While a considerable amount of research has so far been
conducted in the language acquisition area, Wenden (2001) argues that foreign
and second language learner beliefs, so far, have been a neglected variable.
Language educators have long recognized that learners bring to the language
classroom a complex web of attitudes, experiences, expectations, beliefs, and
learning strategies (Benson, 2001; Nyikos & Oxford, 1993; Oxford, 1992). As
a result, research reveals that attitudes toward learning, and the perceptions
and beliefs that determine them, may have a profound influence on learning
behavior (Bandura & Schunk, 1981; Como, 1986; Cotterall, 1995; McCombs,
1984;) and on learning outcomes (Martin & Ramsden, 1987; van Rossum &
Schenk, 1984; Weinert & Kluwe, 1987). They are also central to the
learner's overall experience and achievements (Ryan, 1984; Sakui & Gaies,
1999; Schommer, 1990; Weinert & Kluwe 1987). Furthermore, some note that
successful learners develop insights into beliefs about the language learning
processes, their own abilities, and the use of effective learning strategies
(Anstey, 1988; Biggs, 1987; Ehrman & Oxford, 1989, 1990; Oxford, 1990;
Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986).
In the past decades, the body of research literature on language
learning beliefs has grown greatly, beginning in the 1970s (Papalia, 1978). As
these studies have been investigated within various research paradigms (see
Barcelos (2003) for a review), researchers have recently attempted to classify
them. Benson and Lor (1999), for example, organize them according to the
enquiry methods employed by investigators. A typical research strategy involves
completing an inventory of different belief statements, to which learners
indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement (Horwitz, 1987). Another
popular strategy employs interviews and focus group discussions (Wenden, 1986b,
1987). Kalaja (2003) refers to these approaches as "mainstream" and
"alternative." Barcelos, (2000, 2003), on the other hand, distinguishes
three main approaches: nominative, metacognitive and contextual. This
classification is based on a definition of beliefs, research methodology, and
the relationship between beliefs and other factors. We adopt it here for the
purpose of classification of the following studies.
The Normative Approach
The normative approach is characterized by the use of
Likert-scale questionnaires in the investigation of learner beliefs. Horwitz
(1985, 1987) is generally credited with initiating significant research into
beliefs with the development of the BALLI--Beliefs About Language Learning
Inventory. Horwitz (1985, 1987) used this 34-item questionnaire to explore
students', teachers', and pre-service teachers' beliefs. Due to its high
popularity, BALLI was consequently used in a number of small and large-scale
research studies (see Horwitz (1999) for a review of BALLI studies). For
example, three large-scale American studies assessing teacher and student
opinion on a variety of issues related to language learning (Horwitz, 1988;
Kern, 1995; Mantle-Bromley, 1995) produced similar results, though a few items
differed such as:
learners underestimated the difficulty of language learning;
they held misconceptions about how to learn foreign languages;
they gave more value to accent than teachers did.
Studies undertaken by Chawhan and Oliver (2000), Cotterall
(1995), Kim-Yoon (2000) and Yang (1992) extended their research into different
contexts. Chawhan and Oliver (2000) investigated the beliefs of 54 overseas
learners in Australia, Cotterall (1995) examined almost 140 respondents in New
Zealand; Kim-Yoon (2000) identified the beliefs of 664 EFL learners in Korea,
while Yang (1992) explored the beliefs of over 500 students in Taiwan. The
findings of these studies suggested that learner beliefs about language
learning are context-specific. The results also indicated that there were
significant differences between groups of diverse language background students.
These studies support the fundamental arguments raised by previous researchers
that understanding of learner beliefs can enhance the language learning
process. They concluded that ESL teachers' consciousness of learners'
expectations "may contribute to a more conducive learning environment and to
more effective learning" (Chawhan & Oliver, 2000, p. 25).
Apart from the BALLI, other Likert-type questionnaires were
developed to investigate language learner beliefs (e.g., Cotterall, 1999;
Kuntz, 1996; Sakui & Gaies, 1999). For instance, Sakui and Gaies (1999)
investigated 1,296 Japanese EFL learners' beliefs at public and private
institutions of higher education using their own instrument. The study aimed to
validate a 45-item questionnaire and examine the value of interview data to
complement and explain the questionnaire data, and to describe Japanese
learners' beliefs, as well as to determine the organization of these beliefs.
Their findings suggest that beliefs about language learning are dynamic and
situationally conditioned. The results provided a tentative support for the
view that Japanese learners have internalized a coherent set of beliefs about
methodological options for the EFL classroom instruction.
The Metacognitive Approach
A number of research studies on language learner beliefs adopted
the metacognitive approach in their inquiries (e.g., Goh, 1997; White, 1999,
1999a). Wenden (1986a, 1986b, 1998, 1999, 2001) conducted important studies
within this framework, and described beliefs as stable, statable, although
sometimes incorrect knowledge that learners acquired about language, learning
and the language learning process (Wenden, 2001). Employing semi-structured
interviews and self-reports to collect data, Wenden (1987) explored learners'
explicit prescriptive beliefs with the purpose of determining whether the
learners held such beliefs, and if so, what those were, whether those beliefs
were reflected in what learners reported they did to learn a second language,
and finally, what the significance of such beliefs was. The participant group
comprised 25 adults who had recently arrived in the USA and were enrolled in
the advanced level classes of a language program at a university. The findings
revealed that learners held prescriptive beliefs, which Wenden categorized into
three main groups. The first group was the importance of using the language in
a natural way by practicing as often as possible, thinking in the second
language and living and studying in an environment where the target language
was spoken. The second group was concerned with the learning about the language
such as learning grammar and vocabulary, taking a formal language course,
learning from mistakes, and being mentally active. The third group emphasized
the importance of personal factors such as the emotional aspect, self-concept
and aptitude for learning. Some of the beliefs that were found in Wenden's
study were different from the beliefs in the BALLI. Others were themes that
could expand into separate sets of beliefs, for example, the role of culture.
The researcher drew a conclusion that such differences lead to the development
of "a more comprehensive and representative set of beliefs" (Wenden,
1987, p. 13).
To expend an understanding of the function of metacognitive
knowledge in language learning, Goh (1997) investigated forty ESL learners'
metacognotive awareness about listening. She accessed to this knowledge by
asking learners to keep a 'listening diary' where they described the way they
listen, react to, and perceive the information. In her study, Goh (1997)
applied the same classification of metacognitive knowledge as Wenden (1991)
used in her study: person knowledge, task knowledge and strategic knowledge.
She also developed subcategories for each of these three main groups. The study
revealed that the learners had a high degree of metacognitive awareness and
were conscious of their learning strategies in listening. As it is seen from
the data, the students were able to both observe their cognitive processes as
well as articulate their beliefs about learning to listen in English. One of
the strengths of this research is that learners become aware of their learning
styles, strategies and beliefs that could lead them to improve their own
learning processes in other contexts.
The Contextual Approach
A number of research studies have employed the contextual
approach to explore language learning beliefs (Allen, 1996). In this approach,
beliefs are viewed as embedded in students' contexts. Research studies within
the contextual approach are qualitative in nature and contribute to an
interpretive paradigm. The contextual approach uses ethnography, narratives,
and metaphors (Kramsch, 2003). A feature of the studies within this approach is
that they are not only diverse in the theoretical frameworks they employ, for
example, phenomenographical (Benson & Lor, 1999; White, 1999),
neo-Vygotskian socio-cultural (Alanen, 2003), Bakhtinian (Dufva, 2003), Deweyan
(Barcelos, 2000), but also vary in methods of data collection that include case
studies, ethnographic classroom observations, informal discussions and
stimulated recalls (Allen, 1996; Barcelos, 2000,) diaries (Hosenfeld, 2003),
discourse analysis (Kalaja, 2003), naturalistic interviews, ranking exercises,
scenarios and yoked subject procedures (White, 1999).
White (1999) contributed to the body of research by undertaking
a longitudinal study of 23 novice distance learners of Japanese and Spanish.
The five phases of the research study aimed to develop an understanding of the
way learners experience, interpret and present their experiences of a
non-classroom, solo context for language learning. The results of the study
revealed three central constructs: the learner-context interface, tolerance of
ambiguity, and locus of control, which are imperative for understanding
beginning learners' experience. In this study, the students viewed
self-instruction as requiring the use of their cognitive abilities in order to
create an effective working relationship with the target language learning
materials. The study reports that while the majority of learners shifted from
external to internal locus of control during their experience in a new learning
context, a small group of learners retained an external locus of control. The
research suggests that some individual differences between learners may be accountable
for less predisposing to be able to adjust to language learning in a less
conventional context. The study also reveals that learner predispositions
contribute to how learners conceptualize and experience their initial
self-instructed learning.
To better understand the complex area of learner beliefs about
language learning, Benson and Lor (1999) proposed to take into consideration
three levels of analysis: conception, belief, and approach. The authors
explored whether or not a higher order of conceptions of language and language
learning could be identified, and whether the notion of approaches to language
learning could help understand the functions of beliefs in context. Based on
their research with 16 first-year undergraduates, they found that learners'
conception of the object and process of learning were influential in the
learner's beliefs, and subsequently learning strategies. The researchers showed
that conception of learning constitutes a higher level of abstraction than
beliefs. In their view, a conception of learning is significant because it
helps to classify learner beliefs, and the approach to learning forms the level
at which conception and beliefs function.
The notion of approaches to learning seems central to perceiving
the ways in which conception and beliefs are open to modification. Benson and
Lor discovered that in order to modify beliefs, the learner must also modify
the underlying conceptions on which they are based and pay attention to the
context in which they function. This conclusion could provide practical
implications for language teachers who need to know whether their learners'
beliefs are functional or dysfunctional, and how dysfunctional beliefs can be
changed. However, the authors have not suggested how one can "modify an
underlying conception."
Discussion of Methodologies
The abovementioned studies point to the researchers' different
ontological and epistemological assumptions, which are clearly reflected in
their research paradigms. The diversity of theoretical frameworks in language
learner beliefs research creates a rich tapestry of complimenting studies.
However, none are without limitations. On one hand, while quantitative, etic
research methods in the normative approach provide clarity and precision
through the use of well-designed questionnaires and descriptive statistics, can
include a large number of respondents and afford them anonymity, they do have
limitations. The beliefs profiled in normative studies are only those
identified by the researcher and therefore, are not all the beliefs learners
might hold about language learning. There is also potential for
misunderstanding of questionnaire items. Furthermore, a construct as
intellectually and affectively complex and rich as is one's personal belief
system, cannot presume to be fully captured by people's responses to a set of
normative statements (Wilkinson & Schwartz, 1989; Weinstein, 1994).
On the other hand, qualitative, emic research methods such as
those used in the metacognitive and contextual approach, or the discursive
approach (Kalaja, 2003), are most often studies of small-scale, in-depth,
descriptive and interpretive analyses. They can include, inter alia, interview
techniques, journal or diary entries, use of metaphors, and classroom
observations. They also allow for triangulation of data. However, the
limitations of such studies are reflected by selectivity of data, a degree of
interpretive subjectivity, and context-specificity resulting in lack of
application to broader SLA contexts. Consequently, the choice of research
methodology in language learner beliefs studies will depend on the
investigator's purpose and questions of enquiry, as well as the adopted view of
the nature and function on learner beliefs.
Discussion of Pedagogical Implications
Since beliefs about language learning have been found to have a
significant impact on the language learner, the focus here is on various
possible teaching implications reported by the literature. Preconceived beliefs
may directly influence or even determine a learner's attitude or motivation,
and precondition the learner's success or lack of success (Kuntz, 1996).
Supportive and positive beliefs help to overcome problems and thus sustain
motivation, while negative or unrealistic beliefs can lead to decreased motivation,
frustration and anxiety (Kern, 1995; Oh, 1996). Many successful learners
develop insightful beliefs about language learning processes, their own
abilities, and the use of effective learning strategies, which have a
facilitative effect on learning.
On the other hand, students can have "mistaken,"
uninformed, or negative beliefs that may lead to a reliance on less effective
strategies, resulting in a negative attitude towards learning and autonomy
(Victori & Lickhart, 1995), and classroom anxiety (Horwitz, Horwitz, &
Cope, 1986). Students who believe, for example, that learning a language
primarily involves learning new vocabulary will spend most of their energy on
vocabulary acquisition, while older learners who believe in the superiority of
younger learners probably begin language learning with fairly negative
expectations of their own ultimate success. In addition, an unsuccessful
learning experience may likely lead students to the conclusion that special
abilities are required to learn a foreign language and that they do not possess
these necessary abilities (Horwitz, 1987). Such beliefs can also inhibit
learners' perceptiveness to the ideas and activities presented in the language
classroom, "particularly when the approach is not consonant with the
learners' experience" (Cotterall, 1995, p. 203). Kern (1995) found that
differences between student and teacher beliefs might create tension in the
classroom; and Yang (1992), in her review of foreign language anxiety research,
promotes learner beliefs as one of six primary variables affecting anxiety. As
negative beliefs can lead to dissatisfaction with the course and anxiety,
Mantle-Bromley (1995) suggests that if teachers attend to the affective and
cognitive components of students' attitudes as well as develop defendable
pedagogical techniques, they may be able to increase both the length of time
students commit to language study and their chances of success in it. However,
Stevick (1980) argues that success depends less on the materials and teaching techniques
in the classroom and more on what goes on inside the learner.
As a result of various research findings that indicate learners
hold both facilitative and inhibitive beliefs about language learning, teaching
implications have become a primary concern. Researchers have suggested possible
measures teachers might take to promote positive beliefs in the classroom and
eliminate the negative ones. Horwitz (1999) points out that while teachers
cannot tailor instruction to each belief of each student, and must out of
necessity deal with groups of students, the investigation of beliefs which
inform different behaviors in the language classroom is useful in making
teachers aware of different learner types that need to be accommodated.
Additionally, Wenden (1986a) proposes that if we are to discover what
characterizes successful language learning, we need to discover what students
believe or know about their learning and provide activities that would allow
students to examine these beliefs and their possible impact on how they
approach learning.
Discovering students' attitudes and beliefs is possible, as it
is generally accepted that language learners are capable of bringing this
knowledge to consciousness and articulating it (Willing, 1988; Kalaja, 2003;
Hosenfeld, 2003). No doubt, such dialogues are important since they form an
essential component for gaining firsthand insight into learners' conceptual
frameworks in second or foreign language acquisition. Consequently, Kalaja
(2003) suggests using the discursive approach of social psychology to the study
of learner beliefs, pointing to discourse analysis as a "more sensitive
[method] than the traditional methods of data collection . . . or analysis . .
. " (p. 106).
Other recommendations come from Bassano (1986), who recognizes
that students have different needs, preferences, beliefs, learning styles, and
educational backgrounds, but argues that the imposition of change upon these
factors can lead to negative reactions. The author offers teachers six steps
towards dealing with student beliefs:
become aware of students' past classroom experiences and their
assumptions about language learning;
build students' confidence;
begin where the students are and move slowly;
show them achievement;
allow for free choice as much as possible; and
become aware of the students' interests and concerns, their
goals and objectives.
Morgan (1993) suggests that four aspects of classroom persuasion
should be considered in attempting to change students' attitudes and beliefs:
learning content should require active learner involvement;
the classroom environment should be of "change or
students need to struggle with complex material and reach their
own conclusion; and
students should become aware of their attitudes toward language
and culture.
Furthermore, Dörnyei (2001) believes that in order to rectify
students' erroneous assumptions they:
(a) need to develop an informed understanding of the nature of
second language acquisition and reasonable criteria for progress;
(b) should be made aware of the fact that the mastery of a
second or foreign language can be achieved in a number of different ways, using
diverse strategies; and
(c) a key factor leading to success is for learners to discover
for themselves the methods and techniques by which they learn best.
While the suggestions provide sound pedagogical advice and
reflect a humanistic approach to language teaching, it is not clear to what
extent, if any, they will have an effect on the learner's beliefs about
language learning. There is currently a paucity of literature on intervention
methods in classroom research that report on the degree of success such methods
might have in changing learner beliefs.
Some Pedagogical Concerns
Some researchers suggest the need for studies on how beliefs
differ across learners, particularly in terms of individual differences
(Horwitz, 1999; Wenden, 1999; Rifkin, 2000). Although beliefs about language
learning have been studied in relation to a number of variables, no study so
far has been conducted on their relationship to stable individual learner
characteristics, such as personality type, although a possible correlation was
first suggested some time ago (Allport, 1966; Burt & Dulay, 1977) and more
recently (Abraham & Vann, 1987; Rifkin, 2000; Tudor, 1996). Yet,
interdisciplinary research has already shown clearly that beliefs are fairly
stable in the populations that have been tracked over time, and that they are a
real part of people's personality (Furnham et al., 1985; Langston & Sykes,
1997; Pratt, 1980), and, as mentioned earlier, intertwined with such factors as
their identity, self-concept, and self-esteem (Epstein, 1990).
So far, attempts to answer the riddle of beliefs' origins and
shaping factors in the literature have produced a number of explanations. Some
are results of empirical research, though many refer to inference, anecdotal
evidence, or generalized assumptions. The origins of learning beliefs have been
assumed to be acquired consciously as well as unconsciously (Larsen-Freeman,
2001) and derive from a number of origins at various stages of one's life.
Research has shown that beliefs about learning are a fairly stable body of
knowledge (Arnold, 1999; Dweck, 1999; Nespor, 1987), which develops early in
elementary and secondary school children (Chin & Brewer, 1993; Paris &
Byrnes, 1989), and mid-to-late adolescence (Cantwell, 1998; Schommer, 1993), or
by the time a student gets to college (Weinstein, 1989).
Factors that have been thought to determine or influence learner
beliefs are numerous and include:
family and home background (Dias, 2000; Schommer, 1990, 1994);
cultural background (Alexander & Dochy, 1995);
classroom/social peers (Arnold, 1999);
interpretations of prior repetitive experiences (Little, Singleton
& Slivius, 1984; Gaoyin & Alvermann, 1995; Kern, 1995; Roberts, 1992),
individual differences such as gender (Siebert, 2003) and
personality (Furnham, Johnston & Rawles, 1985; Langston & Sykes, 1997).
In addition, Rifkin's (2000) 3-year BALLI study found that the
level of language instruction, the nature of language studied, and the type of
educational institution also played a role in shaping learner's beliefs, but
that "individual learner differences such as personality . . . may play
just as or more important role than the factors considered in this study"
(p. 407).
Another shaping factor is cultural difference deriving from
learner backgrounds. For example, Prudie, Hattie and Douglas (1996) found
"clear differences" between Australian and Japanese high school
students' conceptions of learning (p. 25), while Tumposky (1991) compared the
beliefs of Soviet and American students and found:
does contribute to the belief system . . . in ways which may relate to
motivation and strategy selection, but may not be as potent as a force as other
factors, such as previous experience or preferred [learning] style. (p. 62)
Truitt (1995) found that Korean university students studying EFL
held different beliefs than those in Horwitz's (1987, 1988) original study both
of Americans studying foreign languages and of international students studying
English in the U.S. The beliefs reported by Truitt's study were also different
than those of other research (Park, 1995; Yang, 1992, 1999). Truitt interpreted
these differences as possibly culturally based. However, Horwitz (1999)
concluded that it was premature to explain inter-group belief differences in
terms of culture; the differences likely reflect the relative status of
language learning in the various countries and indicate that social, political,
and economic forces can also influence learner beliefs (Dias, 2000; Horwitz,
1999). Further, she notes that if significant intra-group differences in
beliefs exist, these could also be explained in terms of learning setting and
individual characteristics, which may include personality.
In fact, a number of studies found beliefs to be related to such
stable factors as one's personality traits. In early psychological literature,
Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) reviewed a number of studies in which personal
factors (trait inferences) played a major role in the formation of inferential
beliefs. More recently Langston and Sykes (1997) found that that the "Big
Five" traits of personality (extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness) strongly related to subjects' general
beliefs about people and the world. Furnham et al. (1985) found a close
relationship between personality and beliefs in a study of demographic and
other factors that predicted peoples' beliefs in the heredity versus
environmental determinants of specific features of human nature. Moreover,
Pratt (1980) found that effects of cultural belief differences depend on
personality and vice-versa.
To this end, a study by Alexander and Dochy (1994) examined
subjects' personal theories of what constitutes knowledge and beliefs, what
factors shape these beliefs, and whether these were believed to be stable or
subject to change. The sample consisted of 54 adults. The researchers
classified the conditions that shaped one's beliefs, presented by their
respondents, into factors that appeared to influence one's beliefs. Specifically,
101 factors were generated by the adults in their sample, classified into five
- information/knowledge
- education/experience
- personality (21%)
- nature of beliefs
- "other"
It is interesting that approximately one in five responses fell
under the "personality" category, indicating that subjects believed
personality traits to be the key factor in shaping beliefs. The analysis of
results revealed interesting trends; within the category of
education/experience influence on beliefs, the adults noted that changes in
beliefs were contingent on the age or maturity of the believer. To a number of
respondents, whether beliefs changed or not, involved aspects of personality
(e.g., emotional state, self-esteem, patience) of the belief-holders, and
whether they were willing to be open-minded and questioning about their
beliefs. A quotation from one of the expert study participants succinctly
concluded: "Beliefs are changeable, if you can change the propositions
with which the beliefs are entangled. So I am suggesting that they are not
easily changed" (Alexander & Dochy, 1994, p. 239).
Yet, little research has been done that involves investigations
into the stability of beliefs and effects of instructional interventions based
on students' beliefs about language learning. Peacock's (2001) longitudinal
study investigated changes in the beliefs about language learning held by 146
trainee ESL teachers over their 3-year program at the City University of Hong
Kong. It was hoped that while trainees might have had some mistaken ideas about
language learning at the beginning of the program, these beliefs would change
as they studied TESL methodology. Data were collected using the BALLI, and upon
its analysis Peacock reported, "Disturbingly, no significant changes were
found" (2001, p. 1).
This research has shown that subjects failed to
"update" their beliefs in response to new evidence with bearing on
previously held beliefs. In cognitive theory, for beliefs to be
"updated," a certain condition exists namely:
[O]n the
assumption that prior beliefs are largely true, new prospective beliefs are
examined for consistency with prior beliefs, since a necessary condition of a
belief being true is consistency with all other true beliefs. (Goldman, 1986,
p. 100)
This represents a significant potential complication and raises
ethical concerns, as until now language teachers were assumed to be able to
simply take on the role of educational "psychotherapists'" and rid
students of their "irrational" and "destructive" beliefs.
However, Mantle-Bromley (1995) notes that "we do not yet know enough about
the nature of incoming students' beliefs to design effective curricular
intervention addressing those beliefs (p. 377).
Furthermore, since learner attitudes and beliefs about language
learning "may be quite well entrenched" (Kern, 1995, p. 76),
intertwined in stable personality factors (Furnham, Johnson & Rawles, 1985;
Langston & Sykes, 1997), and resistant to change (Weinstein, 1994), they
may not automatically alter when learners merely become exposed to new teaching
methodologies. Paradoxically, while Holec (1981) claims that "a
deconditioning process is necessary for students to rid themselves of
ineffective and harmful preconceived notions of language learning" (p.
27), Weinstein (1994) reports that "a number of students professed a goal
of resisting new information that might conflict with their existing
beliefs" (p. 298), and warns that the ramifications of such personal
intentions can have serious consequences for trying to change students'
Conclusion and Recommendation
This paper has attempted to illuminate the complex nature of
beliefs, including the social, cultural, contextual, cognitive, affective, and
personal factors that shape them. It has provided a synopsis of research
conducted on the beliefs of second and foreign language learners in various
contexts, using a number of approaches. It has also outlined a few
interdisciplinary studies which could provide a foundation for further research
into learner beliefs. It is argued that such a foundation is crucial if we are
to address beliefs in the classroom context and fully understand their impact.
Specifically, research questions that should be addressed
the effectiveness of possible intervention methods,
particularly, if beliefs about language learning are found to be related to
such stable factors as personality traits;
whether intervention methods should be implemented overtly or
which theory or approach should be used in possible intervention
whether language teachers are qualified to deliver intervention
measures; and,
what consequences will such "cognitive therapy" have
on the learners, given that beliefs may be resistant to change?
Woods (2003) admits, "[A]s yet, we have not had a great
deal of studying the success or failure in producing a restructuring of
beliefs" (p. 226), pointing the problematic nature of incorporating change
into classroom pedagogy.
So far, Mantle-Bromley (1995) presents the only intervention
study to date having a theory-based approach (attitude change theory) in a
foreign language classroom setting. However, as pointed out earlier, not all
beliefs are attitude-driven, and therefore cannot be changed merely by
addressing the belief-holder's attitudes. Beliefs are complex in nature and, as
shown here, are shaped by multiple factors. Moreover, there is evidence of a
progressive construction and crystallization of beliefs about learning, and
such beliefs are argued to influence increasingly the more situationally-specific
learning behavior (Cantwell, 1998), where this situation specificity could
easily reflect a language learning context.
More research is needed in this area to determine to what extent
(if at all) can and should various classroom intervention methods be applied in
order to bring about change in learner's beliefs about language learning.
Mainly, research needs to address the question of the extent of stability of
language learner beliefs, particularly if they are found to be intertwined with
such stable individual differences as personality, as suggested by various
cognitive-psychological studies. However, to achieve such a foundation requires
an understanding of the broader theories and interdisciplinary research on
beliefs outside the boundaries of the SLA field.
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